Why Elicit Is Different from Other Research Tools


With the Elicit Literature Review workflow, you can: 

  1. Find relevant papers even if they don’t match keywords.
    Elicit uses semantic similarity, which finds papers related to your question even if they don’t use the same keywords. For example, it might return papers about “meditation” even if your query only mentioned “mindfulness.”

  2. Combine the breadth of semantic similarity with the precision of keyword matching.
    If you want to get a broad base of papers, then zoom in on a specific domain or keyword, you can do that with keyword filters. 

  3. Read summaries of abstracts specific to your query.
    For every search result, Elicit reads the abstract and generates a custom summary that is relevant to your question. Most tools don't have summarization at all, not to mention a summarization that is specific to the query. This summary gives you a preliminary understanding of the research, simplifies complex or very long abstracts, and helps you evaluate whether the paper is relevant.

  4. Customize what you see about the paper and organize papers by that information.
    You can add more information about your papers one column at a time. You can see information like population and intervention details, results of the study, publishing journal, and study type.  You can even ask a completely new question about the papers! Once you have the columns, you can sort your papers by the columns. You can review papers starting with the most cited, most recent, or with the largest sample size. 

  5. Filter based on study type.
    Filter for just randomized controlled trials, meta-analyses, systematic reviews, or other types of reviews. You can use filters and starring together to find papers that were cited in systematic reviews, or later systematic reviews that cited a specific paper. 

  6. Export your work.
    You can download a CSV or .bib file to import into reference managers like Zotero.