High Accuracy Columns


High-accuracy columns give better results when extracting data. High-accuracy columns are only available to Elicit Plus and Elicit Pro subscribers.

  • Elicit Plus subscribers can enable one high-accuracy column per table.

  • Elicit Pro subscribers can enable high-accuracy on all columns, if desired. There is no limit for this feature on Pro. High-accuracy will be enabled by default when utilizing the Extract Data from PDFs step.

Turn high-accuracy on or off for any column by clicking the target icon next to that column:

If high-accuracy is on, the target button will display as green:

Accurate extractions are particularly important for projects like systematic reviews and meta-analyses.

From our testing, these columns have half the error rate of regular accuracy columns. High-accuracy columns also identify when the model is confident in its answer and when it's uncertain, so you can prioritize which answers to double check, speeding up your review.

Here's a direct comparison (left side has high-accuracy turned on):

If the high-accuracy model is at least 90% certain of an answer, you'll see a check mark next to it:

Click on “See details”, or on the answer itself, to show quotes from the paper that support the answer.

If the model has low confidence in an answer, Elicit will flag that for you, too, so you know which rows should be reviewed carefully: