Elicit Tips and Best Practices

Tips and information to help you get the most out of using Elicit.
Refining and Customizing Your Results
Create and Save Custom Columns in Elicit
If there’s no predefined column that exactly matches what you want or you need to give additional instructions to tweak the results or get the data in...
Filter Information by Column
You can filter papers in Elicit by any information you add in columns. That means you can filter papers based on criteria like: Effect direction (po...
Filter Papers by Year of Publication
Search for papers using "Find papers" Use the "Publication year" filter: Update: You can now add publication date criteria directly into your search ...
Find Papers: Adding filter criteria in natural language
Elicit's Find papers step can handle filter criteria directly in your query to refine your search results. If you try a query like "papers about th...
Filter by Journal Quality
When searching for papers using the Find Papers step, the "Journal quality" slider under the "Filter" button will allow you to filter your results by ...
High Accuracy Columns
High-accuracy columns give better results when extracting data. High-accuracy columns are only available to Elicit Plus and Elicit Pro subscribers. E...
Improve Column Results
If you're adding columns in the Find papers workflow, filter to papers that have PDFs, so that Elicit has more information to work with: When Elicit...
Improve Find Papers Search Results
The results of your query will vary depending on how your query is structured. Elicit will leave out any papers that it thinks are not relevant to yo...
Using Elicit with Non-English Papers
Elicit is optimized and intended for English-language searches and results. We currently use the Semantic Scholar dataset as our primary source for pa...
Advanced search
Advanced search filters are a powerful hidden feature in "Find papers". You can use them to search within a particular journal, restrict your search t...